
Thankyou to our speakers at the official CBD COP16 side event

Thankyou to our speakers at the official CBD COP16 side event

On the 31st of October at the CBD COP in Cali, Colombia, CRRI and WWF hosted an official  Side Event  The Road from Cali to Belém - The Last Stand for Coral Reefs.
07 Nov 2024
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Thankyou to our speakers at the official CBD COP16 side event

On the 31st of October at the CBD COP in Cali, Colombia, CRRI and WWF hosted an official  Side Event  The Road from Cali to Belém - The Last Stand for Coral Reefs.
07 Nov 2024

Thankyou to our speakers at the official CBD COP16 side event

Thankyou to our speakers at the official CBD COP16 side event

The CRRI and WWF hosted Official Side Event at CBD COP16 in Colombia.

The Road from Cali to Belém: The Last Stand for Coral Reefs.
30 Oct 2024

The CRRI and WWF hosted Official Side Event at CBD COP16 in Colombia.

The CRRI and WWF hosted Official Side Event at CBD COP16 in Colombia.

Bahasa Indonesia translation of online course now available!

The edX Coral Reef: Introduction to Challenges and Solutions' online course, supported by the Global Environment Facility and CRRI was originally launched in November 2023 and has already reached more than 700 people across 88 countries.
21 Aug 2024

Bahasa Indonesia translation of online course now available!

Bahasa Indonesia translation of online course now available!

CRRI Welcomes New Team Members!

CRRI welcomes three new team members in Madagascar, Mozambique and Brisbane, and a position change for our Coordinator!
01 Aug 2024

CRRI Welcomes New Team Members!

CRRI Welcomes New Team Members!

World Reef Day: Help Is at Hand to Rapidly Monitor Coral Reefs and Bleaching Events

This World Reef Day, MERMAID, WCS, the Coral Reef Rescue Initiative, and WWF are launching a new video to train marine scientists in a rapid method to monitor coral bleaching, helping researchers quickly turn underwater insights into data-driven actions that save coral reefs.
01 Jun 2024

World Reef Day: Help Is at Hand to Rapidly Monitor Coral Reefs and Bleaching Events

World Reef Day: Help Is at Hand to Rapidly Monitor Coral Reefs and Bleaching Events

Marine Heatwaves and Coral Reefs - Untangle the story

As global temperatures continue to rise, our ocean is feeling the heat. Marine heatwaves pose a significant threat to coral reefs, coastal communities, and our collective future.
01 Jun 2024

Marine Heatwaves and Coral Reefs - Untangle the story

Marine Heatwaves and Coral Reefs - Untangle the story
©Derta Prabuning, Reef Check Indonesia

BREAKING: Global coral bleaching event confirmed by NOAA: severe impact on Coral Reef Communities

The fourth global coral bleaching event, announced today by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), has already and will continue to have severe negative consequences for coastal communities and ocean health.
16 Apr 2024

BREAKING: Global coral bleaching event confirmed by NOAA: severe impact on Coral Reef Communities

BREAKING: Global coral bleaching event confirmed by NOAA: severe impact on Coral Reef Communities

'Ask The Expert' series launched by International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)

The International Coral Reef Initiative has launched a series of videos raising awareness of the importance and threats of Coral Reefs.
30 Jan 2024

'Ask The Expert' series launched by International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)

'Ask The Expert' series launched by International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)

The Climate Refuge Coral Reef Rescue Journey

The Coral Reef Rescue: Resilient Coral Reefs, Resilient Communities Project (CRR GEF), funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), has embarked on its epic journey to safeguard globally significant climate refuge reefs.
30 Jan 2024

The Climate Refuge Coral Reef Rescue Journey

The Climate Refuge Coral Reef Rescue Journey
©Tommy Schultz

NEW: 2023 Highlights Report CRRI

Journey with us through the activities that defined CRRI in 2023.
13 Dec 2023

NEW: 2023 Highlights Report CRRI

NEW: 2023 Highlights Report CRRI

Online Course for CRRI Coral Reef Community now live!

Coral Reefs: Introduction to Challenges and Solutions Online Course on edX is available!
01 Nov 2023

Online Course for CRRI Coral Reef Community now live!

Online Course for CRRI Coral Reef Community now live!

Ecological Monitoring Expedition of Alor Marine Protected Area, Indonesia

In May 2023, the WWF Indonesia and CRRI team conducted ecological monitoring in the Alor Marine Protected Area, at monitoring sites that were last surveyed in 2021.
28 Jun 2023

Ecological Monitoring Expedition of Alor Marine Protected Area, Indonesia

Ecological Monitoring Expedition of Alor Marine Protected Area, Indonesia

Milestone Meeting for CRRI

The CRRI Global and GEF 7 Workshop was recently held in Indonesia, bringing together 50 participants from the seven CRRI resilient reef countries: Fiji, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Philippines, Madagascar, Cuba and Tanzania.
19 Apr 2023

Milestone Meeting for CRRI

Milestone Meeting for CRRI

CRRI Newsletter - December 2022

Catch up on updates from the CRRI Team events from 2022, Partner Updates, News and Views, and New Publications.
12 Jan 2023

CRRI Newsletter - December 2022

CRRI Newsletter - December 2022

Summary: CoP27 Premiere Coral Reef Event - Adaptation Solutions for Coral Nations

During CoP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh the Coral Reef Rescue Initiative (CRRI) together with WWF, Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) and International Coral Research Initiative (ICRI) hosted the premiere coral reef session: Adaptation Solutions for Coral Nations.
24 Nov 2022

Summary: CoP27 Premiere Coral Reef Event - Adaptation Solutions for Coral Nations

Summary: CoP27 Premiere Coral Reef Event - Adaptation Solutions for Coral Nations

Summary – Outcomes from the UN Oceans Conference – The Last Stand for Coral Reefs

Save our Ocean - Protect our future UN Ocean Conference 2022
30 Aug 2022

Summary – Outcomes from the UN Oceans Conference – The Last Stand for Coral Reefs

Summary – Outcomes from the UN Oceans Conference – The Last Stand for Coral Reefs

New Science Shows Connected Coral Reef “Hope Spots” Can Shelter Ocean Biodiversity Despite Climate Change

The survival of the 50 Reefs in critical for recovering biodiversity even under future climate change and coral bleaching scenarios.
30 Aug 2022

New Science Shows Connected Coral Reef “Hope Spots” Can Shelter Ocean Biodiversity Despite Climate Change

New Science Shows Connected Coral Reef “Hope Spots” Can Shelter Ocean Biodiversity Despite Climate Change

Closing the Funding Gap: Innovations for Investing in Nature-based Solutions in Coral Reef Conservation

Join CRRI's event at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) and learn more about why we need to invest in nature-based solutions in coral reef conservation on 3rd November at 8AM GMT. Register here.
03 Nov 2021

Closing the Funding Gap: Innovations for Investing in Nature-based Solutions in Coral Reef Conservation

Closing the Funding Gap: Innovations for Investing in Nature-based Solutions in Coral Reef Conservation
©Jürgen Freund / WWF

Around 14% of corals have been lost since 2009 due to global warming, but some show resilience, says report

The 6th Edition of the Status of Corals of the World 2020 Report, launched by the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, shows that we have lost approximately 14% of the world’s coral since 2009 due to large-scale coral bleaching events.
06 Oct 2021

Around 14% of corals have been lost since 2009 due to global warming, but some show resilience, says report

Around 14% of corals have been lost since 2009 due to global warming, but some show resilience, says report
©James Morgan / WWF-US

New study: There’s still a long way to go to bridge the gender and economic gaps in coral reef science

Representation of women in coral reef science has increased over the past 16 yrs from 18% to 33%, but women are still vastly underrepresented. Diverse perspectives are necessary to save coral reefs, one of the most vulnerable marine ecosystems.
30 Sep 2021

New study: There’s still a long way to go to bridge the gender and economic gaps in coral reef science

New study: There’s still a long way to go to bridge the gender and economic gaps in coral reef science
©Jürgen Freund / WWF

Coral reefs: our underwater food factory

The role of coral reefs and sustainable aquatic foods in addressing human and planetary health has increasingly become important. This op-ed highlights the urgent need to protect coral reefs in order to secure food, nutrition, and livelihoods for millions of people.
23 Sep 2021

Coral reefs: our underwater food factory

Coral reefs: our underwater food factory
©WWF-Malaysia / Eric Madeja

Reforestation could help save coral reefs from catastrophe

Increasing reforestation efforts in coastal regions could substantially reduce the amount of sediment run-off reaching coral reefs and improve their resilience, a University of Queensland-led study has found.
16 Sep 2021

Reforestation could help save coral reefs from catastrophe

Reforestation could help save coral reefs from catastrophe
©Tom Vierus / WWF-US

‘Momentous’ mapping project completed, helping to save world’s reefs

All of the world’s shallow coral reefs have been digitally mapped, thanks to the completion of a three-year project of the Allen Coral Atlas and partners.
09 Sep 2021

‘Momentous’ mapping project completed, helping to save world’s reefs

‘Momentous’ mapping project completed, helping to save world’s reefs
©Paul Mckenzie / WWF-HK

Biodiversity, climate change and the fate of coral reefs

An international group of researchers representing thousands of coral scientists across the globe is calling for new commitments and actions by the world’s policymakers to protect and restore coral reefs.
21 Jul 2021

Biodiversity, climate change and the fate of coral reefs

Biodiversity, climate change and the fate of coral reefs
©Mac Stone/ WWF-US

Draft UN biodiversity agreement falls short, says WWF

In WWF’s assessment, the current draft agreement, published by the Convention on Biological Diversity, lacks both the ambition and urgency required to reverse biodiversity loss and secure a nature-positive world this decade.
13 Jul 2021

Draft UN biodiversity agreement falls short, says WWF

Draft UN biodiversity agreement falls short, says WWF

High Level Science-Policy Dialogue - Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge

This event will bring together scientists and policy actors to discuss the most relevant and recent natural and social science findings in coral reef conservation and how these can support governments as they prepare for key negotiations on the dual crisis of climate change and biodiversity loss.
07 Jul 2021

High Level Science-Policy Dialogue - Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge

High Level Science-Policy Dialogue - Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge
©SBM Online

Coral Reef Management Workshop Conducted in Honiara

The Coral Reef Rescue Initiative and WWF-Solomon Islands, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, conducted an inception workshop on coral reef management on 10 June.
15 Jun 2021

Coral Reef Management Workshop Conducted in Honiara

Coral Reef Management Workshop Conducted in Honiara

WWF highlights urgent need for integrated strategies to tackle ocean and climate crises

Issued on World Oceans Day, WWF’s new “Blueprint for a Living Planet” offers four principles to guide integrated ocean and climate action to strengthen the mitigation, adaptation and resilience potential of marine and coastal ecosystems – and everything and everyone that depends on them.
08 Jun 2021

WWF highlights urgent need for integrated strategies to tackle ocean and climate crises

WWF highlights urgent need for integrated strategies to tackle ocean and climate crises
©Tom Vierus / WWF-US

Evaluating risk and resilience — what to do when you can’t save everything

CRRI global lead, Carol Phua, takes a hard look at why we need to get smarter about conservation to create real impact for nature & people in a climate-changed future.
01 Jun 2021

Evaluating risk and resilience — what to do when you can’t save everything

Evaluating risk and resilience — what to do when you can’t save everything

Facebook Live Event

Coral Reef Rescue Initiative's Carol Phua will be live on WWF's Facebook page with UN Special Envoy for the Ocean, Ambassador Peter Thomson on the 26th of May at 10:30 AM GMT+1.
26 May 2021

Facebook Live Event

Facebook Live Event
©Jürgen Freund / WWF

How the post-COVID world will be different for MPAs

MPA News speaks to Carol Phua of CRRI and Marc Hockings of the University of Queensland on how the post-COVID world will be different for MPAs and how practitioners can plan ahead for the next disruption.
20 Apr 2021

How the post-COVID world will be different for MPAs

How the post-COVID world will be different for MPAs
©George J. Maelagi

As seafood disappears from reefs in western Solomons, communities call for government support

Solomon Islands communities call for assistance from authorities to help the reefs to recover from overfishing, pollution, climate change and human development.
16 Mar 2021

As seafood disappears from reefs in western Solomons, communities call for government support

As seafood disappears from reefs in western Solomons, communities call for government support
©Alec Hughes

Widespread Bleaching Spotted in Solomon Islands Coral Reefs

Scientists have identified a widespread coral bleaching event on shallow, inshore reefs that had been previously thought to be less reactive to climate stress.
11 Mar 2021

Widespread Bleaching Spotted in Solomon Islands Coral Reefs

Widespread Bleaching Spotted in Solomon Islands Coral Reefs
©Tom Vierus / WWF-US

How nature-based solutions can save coral reefs

In this blog published in The Economist’s World Ocean Initiative, Carol Phua explains why nature-based solutions, with both biodiversity and societal benefits, can help make the 2020s a decade of action for nature and people.
06 Mar 2021

How nature-based solutions can save coral reefs

How nature-based solutions can save coral reefs

World Ocean Summit

CRRI's Carol Phua is one of the speakers at the 8th Economist’s World Ocean Summit in a plenary panel on how nature-based solutions can mitigate climate change.
01 Mar 2021

World Ocean Summit

World Ocean Summit

5 lessons we've learned as women in conservation science

February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Coral Reef Rescue Initiative's Shauna Mahajan and Gabby Ahmadia share five lessons they've learned as women in conservation science.
12 Feb 2021

5 lessons we've learned as women in conservation science

5 lessons we've learned as women in conservation science

10th Pacific Islands Conference

Theme: Nature Conservation Action for a Resilient Pacific, with effective conservation and management of biodiversity critical for ensuring Pacific island countries and territories are resilient and adaptable to a changing world.
24 - 27 Nov 2020

10th Pacific Islands Conference

10th Pacific Islands Conference
©Tom Vierus / WWF-US

Pacific nations lead on climate. We must now do the same for nature

Progress on climate action is at risk of unravelling if Pacific island states do not step up on the related crisis of nature loss, writes Peter Thomson, United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean.
24 Nov 2020

Pacific nations lead on climate. We must now do the same for nature

Pacific nations lead on climate. We must now do the same for nature

Summit on biodiversity

The Summit on Biodiversity will be convened under the theme “Urgent Action on Biodiversity for Sustainable Development.” The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) will assist the President of the General Assembly in the...
30 Sep 2020

Summit on biodiversity

Summit on biodiversity

Achieving high ambitions from down below

Coral reefs and the New Deal for Nature & People: Carol Phua of WWF’s Ocean Practice explains why world leaders need to include and commit to ecosystem-specific indicators in the Global Biodiversity Framework.
23 Sep 2020

Achieving high ambitions from down below

Achieving high ambitions from down below

World Fisheries Congress

The World Fisheries Congress will bring together research, industry and management to discuss the sustainable development of the world’s oceans, lakes, estuaries and rivers.
20 - 24 Sep 2020

World Fisheries Congress

World Fisheries Congress

Sparks of hope — why the least exposed coral reefs will determine the future

Carol Phua, WWF Coral Reef Rescue Initiative, and Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, University of Queensland, share some hopeful reasons to celebrate World Oceans Day.
07 Jun 2019

Sparks of hope — why the least exposed coral reefs will determine the future

Sparks of hope — why the least exposed coral reefs will determine the future

Let’s build a
climate-ready future!

To restore the world's coral reefs, we need support from all sectors. From individuals and communities to governments and industries, collaboration is the key.

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